restful productivity to live deliberately & avoid overwhelm 

Creativity, Burnout, & Seasons of Writing

Creativity, Burnout, & Seasons of Writing

How I am finding inspiration in the quiet moments of burnout recovery and hoping to rediscover the joy of creativity after hitting pause. This fall as we started back to our school lessons and the schedule shifted, I felt my creativity drop. It was a subtle shift that happened over a month or so when…

Help Needed! – Working Title & Subtitle Ideas for my book

Help Needed! – Working Title & Subtitle Ideas for my book

Today is a super quick post. 😁 I am prepping my query letter and book proposal to send out to agents and I would love some input and ideas from you all! Here is what I currently have: Working Title and Subtitle –         Title: Subtle Resistance –         Subtitle: Live Deliberately & Avoid Overwhelm I am very happy with my…

My Current Project – Writing a Book!

My Current Project – Writing a Book!

Hello All! Today is more of an update on what I am up to in this season. My goal for Spring of 2023 is to finish my writing my book.🙂 For the past few years I have been diligently writing articles and posts for the blog. It has been a beautiful outpouring of information and…

Calling Myself A Writer

Calling Myself A Writer

My Story: So much of what I do is invisible. I invest in things that cannot be seen. That gets undone within hours or days. The quiet soul work that happens between me and God cannot be seen. Homeschooling is a daily investment that will take years for the results to be seen. The house…