restful productivity to live deliberately & avoid overwhelm 

Carpool Productivity & Tasks On the Go

Carpool Productivity & Tasks On the Go

Being productive in the midst of driving kids to different places can be tricky. I am a high achiever. I want to use those 30 minutes of waiting. The 45 minutes after drop-off can be used to do something that matters to me. Wasted time drives me crazy. I also love routine. So being in…

How to Avoid the Crash

How to Avoid the Crash

What is the best way to slow down when things are busy? How can I take the time to process what is happening that is hard or unusual? Let’s pick this apart and look at the pieces we are dealing with. The Crash – What is it? What does it look like? Rebuilding Step #1:…

Sabbath Q + A the Top 5 Questions Answered

Sabbath Q + A the Top 5 Questions Answered

I am learning how to create an atmosphere of rest. I am making space for life-giving activities amidst all the things that my weekly schedule holds. I tend to be overly productive and not very fun. But each step I take toward resting well is a healthy step in the right direction. As I wrestle…

Practical Tips for a Hard Season

Practical Tips for a Hard Season

Life is hard. Sometimes it just sucks. I’m sorry to be blunt but it’s true. I have had some hard seasons lately that have rocked me and stopped me in my tracks. But, I have learned beautiful things in the midst of hard circumstances too. Today I want to be extra practical for those of…

Navigating Friendship – 4 Ideas for Where to Start

Navigating Friendship – 4 Ideas for Where to Start

We all long to be deeply understood and known. That is truly the heart cry of humans. It’s why kids spill out long stories and complicated details when they feel comfortable. It is why movies with deep friendships move us and cause us to feel something. Wouldn’t it be great to jump into a TV…

Life-Giving Routines – Printable Guide

Life-Giving Routines – Printable Guide

We all have areas in our lives where we want to get things done quickly or “get in the zone” faster. Routines are the effortless solution. When we automate pieces of our lives with routines we: remove decision fatigue, we become more efficient, and we can relax into the rhythm of the tasks ahead of…

The Climb

The Climb

This weekend I climbed a mountain. This was very significant for me for a lot of reasons, but first I want to mention that it has been a long time since I’ve been able to climb a mountain. When you become a parent your limitations and the things that you can do are often determined…

My Phone Has A Bedtime

My Phone Has A Bedtime

I’ve been nudged by my inner voice to have time away from my phone for years. But I’ve always brushed it off as being too extreme or too legalistic. Then I made the decision in the summer of 2020 to put my phone away each night. So, I took the leap and tried it.  It’s unbelievable…