As Summer moves into Fall a practice that I have found grounding for me is seasonal reflection. The longer reflection is avoided, the harder it is to do. The more backlog we get, the more we have to work through. So I like to take the time at the change of each season to pause,…
All posts tagged routines
Practical Ideas for Daily Bible Study
I have found that it is very difficult to study the Bible and hear from My Creator without intentionally creating space for study and quiet. I have learned to slow down my body first and then I can slow my soul. But, I have made so many mistakes! I’ve steamrolled over so many situations, loved…
Taking Time for Lattes, Journaling, & Sunsets
How I am slowing down and doing small things to bring joy to my daily life. We are all given 24 hours each day. We each get to choose how that time is spent and where it goes. When I say the title to myself aloud: Taking Time for Lattes, Journaling, & Sunsets a little…
Carpool Productivity & Tasks On the Go
Being productive in the midst of driving kids to different places can be tricky. I am a high achiever. I want to use those 30 minutes of waiting. The 45 minutes after drop-off can be used to do something that matters to me. Wasted time drives me crazy. I also love routine. So being in…
Working from Home Without Losing Your Mind
Before we get to the practical, let me share my story… My Journey in Working from Home – I have been working 50 – 60 hour weeks (without payment) for over 17 years. When I type that out it sounds like a lot. I guess it actually is. For me, it has just been 20…
3 Ways We Say Goodbye to Summer Break
Moving from our Summer Break into the busy Back to School Season takes some time. I want to provide a slow gentle transition during this season. So often our culture expects us to switch modes without on-ramps into the busy activity. I want to do things differently. I want to take a slower approach letting…
Ways to Find Clarity
Your time is valuable. As a homeschooler, homemaker, and parent you juggle a lot of roles. My hope is to maximize your energy and efficiency so that your time is well spent. The articles, printables, and resources you find here at Embracing Home Blog will always be practical and helpful. I want to build on…
Practical Meal Planning #2 (the How)
I am often frustrated by the meal planning systems created by others. They often assume that everything is “just peachy”. Most meal planning that I have found is based on having lots of time, strange fresh ingredients, or chef-style cooking skills. I usually don’t have that kind of evening cooking environment. I am a mom…
Easy Family Routines: The Monday Meeting
It’s a Monday morning. We are all moving slow. The kids would rather play computer games and I would love to sit on the couch with a good book. The weekend was very busy with household tasks, catching up on laundry, activities with cousins, farm chores, shopping, and church. Now we must move into our…
Tackling Meal Planning #1 (the Why)
This week I will make 15 meals for my family. Lunches, dinners, and a few fancy breakfasts. I will hand wash dishes at least 10 times and spend several hours in prep. In a month, I will spend 68 hours on meal prep and feeding my household. How much time do you spend in the…