Let’s break some WFH myths! Real work is defined by so much more than a paycheck or a schedule set by someone else. Here are 2 of the Work-From-Home myths that really get me fired up. The Myth: My schedule is flexible so I am available during the day. I have lost count of how…
All posts tagged Productivity
My Top Homemaking & SAHM Tip: The Low-Energy List
Productivity tips to build resilience for your unique life. How do you deal with fatigue during your busy days at home? When are you most productive? Homemaking, being a stay at home parent, writing, homeschooling, working remote, or online contract work can easily become overwhelming. Any job working from home can have unique challenges especially…
Habits – Rhythms and Small Changes in My Day
Rhythms are patterns we follow as a way of doing something. I think of a rhythm as a soundtrack to the morning or afternoon. If I were in a movie, what music would be playing in the background? As I get into the habit of organizing my life with rhythms and routines, I’ve come across…
The Journey of Personal Growth
Starting something new can be complicated and layered. Often we need a foundation to hold us steady as we step forward into new terrain. I’m still on my way, still learning, and it feels like an ongoing adventure of discovery. The exciting part? I’m guessing there will always be something new for me to learn.…
Finding Balance in the Chaos: Time Inventory for Moms and Homemakers
I have found that I am resistant to change unless I have pain in my life or data to show me that I need to make a radical adjustment. That is why I love using a Time Inventory. When I am feeling some friction in my schedule, or in my expectations of myself, or my…
Summer Project: Sorting My Bookshelves (w/free printable)
It has become my annual project to take everything off the shelves from all the places in the house and sort the books. I dust, organize, and categorize all the books. I also take the time to set aside the ones we will need for the next school year. (Those get placed in bins in…
I Suck at Piano – Lessons in Humility
I was a very capable adult. I had three kids already. I had taught myself gardening, canning, knitting, and how to cook from scratch. How hard would it be to take piano lessons? I was already homeschooling my oldest two. I would often get impatient when they were learning how to read or add simple…
Carpool Productivity & Tasks On the Go
Being productive in the midst of driving kids to different places can be tricky. I am a high achiever. I want to use those 30 minutes of waiting. The 45 minutes after drop-off can be used to do something that matters to me. Wasted time drives me crazy. I also love routine. So being in…
Working from Home Without Losing Your Mind
Before we get to the practical, let me share my story… My Journey in Working from Home – I have been working 50 – 60 hour weeks (without payment) for over 17 years. When I type that out it sounds like a lot. I guess it actually is. For me, it has just been 20…
Using Timers in Homeschooling
Timers can be used for many types of work and tasks. They can work as reminders, help kids with focus, and keep us from distraction. I use a variety of timers throughout my day. Here I will share how I apply these ideas to my homeschool day. See this article for how I use timers…