restful productivity to live deliberately & avoid overwhelm 

Welcoming this New Year

Welcoming this New Year

I love the beginnings of the New Year. I enjoy the fresh calendars, the new planners, the clean crisp notebooks, and the restructuring of my routines. I enjoy having some time for reflection and goal setting. In my time spent planning my next year, I have been thinking about 4 major topics. Ways to find…

The Moving Finish Line of “Done”

The Moving Finish Line of “Done”

As an overachiever, I can be my own enemy. My own critic who raises expectations. I constantly move the finish line after I accomplish a goal or a difficult milestone. I do not stop and enjoy the achievement. I tell myself that I will. I say to myself in the hard moments when I have…

Tips for Moms with Mental Fatigue

Tips for Moms with Mental Fatigue

Parenting is hard. The learning curve of new parenting skills is always moving forward. There is an exhaustion that sets in from constantly thinking about small things, worrying about big things, and making decisions about what your children need. Each phase is radically different than before. Every few months there is a new skill to…

Pivot – A Change In Plans

Pivot – A Change In Plans

I love plans, routines, schedules, charts, lists… all of it! But I also understand that I am not the all-powerful Oz who knows everything that will happen or take place. This means that while I can attempt to plan for all contingencies and events, it is impossible to do so.  Kids get worn out, it starts raining, things fall apart,…

Packing Questions for Summer Travel

Packing Questions for Summer Travel

Travel with kids is hard. Doing anything is difficult when you add in an extra personality, unique needs, and a break in normal routine. Disruptions and roadblocks happen all the time but especially on a trip. Knowing yourself, how to prepare well, and what is needed for this trip will make travel easier. It can…

My Life in Lists

My Life in Lists

I have found freedom in list-making.  I know those two are contradictory statements but stick with me for a minute. When I know what I need to get done, what is expected of me, what I want to see accomplished, then I can choose what to do.  I can make a conscious decision to spend my…

Household Chores & Cleaning the Home

Household Chores & Cleaning the Home

Let’s talk about Household Chores and Cleaning! My Story Why We Clean Kid Responsibilities/ Chores Questions for You My Favorite Resources My Story: Yes, I am actually excited about this topic. I really love a clean house. Open spaces with clean horizontal surfaces and clean floors… yes!! I like things to be clean so that…