restful productivity to live deliberately & avoid overwhelm 

6 Quick Tips for Planning Weekend Trips

6 Quick Tips for Planning Weekend Trips

How to plan your Weekend RV/Camping Trips so that they actually happen.🙂 In our family, we want weekend RV trips to occur frequently. But this takes some planning and some intention. Weekends away do not magically appear (nor does the budget to pay for campsites, or time to pack). I have discovered there are specific…

6 Tips for Planning Weekend RV Trips

6 Tips for Planning Weekend RV Trips

This could also be called: How to plan your Weekend RV Trips so that they actually happen.🙂 In our family, we want weekend RV trips to occur frequently. But this takes some planning and some intention. Weekends away do not magically appear (nor does the budget to pay for campsites, or time to pack). I…

Maintaining Healthy Habits on Trips

Maintaining Healthy Habits on Trips

 A problem that we can run into is making good habits stick when we are on vacation. How do I keep moving forward in my health goals when I am in a different environment? What is the best way to plan for relaxation but not slide into old patterns? Decide the healthy choices that you…

The Secret to Planning Long RV Trips

The Secret to Planning Long RV Trips

We went on a 3-week trip from Arizona to Utah, Wyoming, and Colorado in the summer of 2021. The goal was to plan a trip without reservations made in advance. We wanted to make plans as the trip progressed so we could relax and have more time for spontaneous activities. It worked! We loved it!…