restful productivity to live deliberately & avoid overwhelm 

Welcoming this New Year

Welcoming this New Year

I love the beginnings of the New Year. I enjoy the fresh calendars, the new planners, the clean crisp notebooks, and the restructuring of my routines. I enjoy having some time for reflection and goal setting. In my time spent planning my next year, I have been thinking about 4 major topics. Ways to find…

How I Inherited a Love for Hobbies & Insouciance

How I Inherited a Love for Hobbies & Insouciance

We all come from generations of people who worked hard and then had lots of interests so that they could live abundant lives. They did not wait until they had all the knowledge or watch all the YouTube videos. They just tried stuff. When I think about all that my grandparents were able to do…

The Moving Finish Line of “Done”

The Moving Finish Line of “Done”

As an overachiever, I can be my own enemy. My own critic who raises expectations. I constantly move the finish line after I accomplish a goal or a difficult milestone. I do not stop and enjoy the achievement. I tell myself that I will. I say to myself in the hard moments when I have…

When My Reading Plans Fail

When My Reading Plans Fail

My Story & My Struggles as a Reader I have a deep love for reading. Books, and the words within them, are treasured in my house. I have shelves of well loved books and stacks ready to read. However, I have struggled to have consistent reading time for years. Does that surprise you?  When I…

How I Read Every Day

How I Read Every Day

Why Getting A Lamp and Taking My Shoes Off Helps Me Read. I have a deep love for reading. I have worked to cultivate the consistent habit of reading for as long as I can remember.  When I arrive home from a family vacation I am annoyed that there was no time to read. I…

Encouragement for the Mom of Young Kids

Encouragement for the Mom of Young Kids

To the mom of young kids, I see you.  I hear your need to just sit in silence without anyone touching you. I get it that the laundry situation is impossible. I understand that the floors need to be swept and that you can’t even think straight. Tiny humans are hard in so many ways. …

Why Hobbies Matter

Why Hobbies Matter

My Story –   I have found that hobbies have become an important part of being “just April”. Myself. Just me. Not all the roles I play and things I do. But just me, creating something for the sake of creation. I used to tell myself that I will have hobbies when my kids are grown,…

Pivot – A Change In Plans

Pivot – A Change In Plans

I love plans, routines, schedules, charts, lists… all of it! But I also understand that I am not the all-powerful Oz who knows everything that will happen or take place. This means that while I can attempt to plan for all contingencies and events, it is impossible to do so.  Kids get worn out, it starts raining, things fall apart,…

My Summer Planning

My Summer Planning

How I Plan For Our Summer Break As a kid, summer vacation was full of so much freedom. No school! Backyard slip ‘n slides and popsicles that stained my t-shirt. Reading all my favorite books from the library. Playing Mario Brothers on the Nintendo. It was effortless and free. But now I am a mom,…