restful productivity to live deliberately & avoid overwhelm 

Why Hobbies Matter

Why Hobbies Matter

My Story –   I have found that hobbies have become an important part of being “just April”. Myself. Just me. Not all the roles I play and things I do. But just me, creating something for the sake of creation. I used to tell myself that I will have hobbies when my kids are grown,…

Pivot – A Change In Plans

Pivot – A Change In Plans

I love plans, routines, schedules, charts, lists… all of it! But I also understand that I am not the all-powerful Oz who knows everything that will happen or take place. This means that while I can attempt to plan for all contingencies and events, it is impossible to do so.  Kids get worn out, it starts raining, things fall apart,…

My Summer Planning

My Summer Planning

How I Plan For Our Summer Break As a kid, summer vacation was full of so much freedom. No school! Backyard slip ‘n slides and popsicles that stained my t-shirt. Reading all my favorite books from the library. Playing Mario Brothers on the Nintendo. It was effortless and free. But now I am a mom,…

Thinking About Summer

Thinking About Summer

How I do spring cleaning with my planning. It is spring. The Palo Verde trees are blooming and it is heating up during the day. As I rummage for my flip-flops in my closet, I begin to think about our summer plans.  What will this summer look like? What adventures will we have? What kind…

Whole Foods & Healthy Habits

Whole Foods & Healthy Habits

My transition to whole foods and healthy habits. In 2019 I had reached a tipping point. My health was affecting my daily life. I was feeling tired all the time, had stomach issues often and was eating the SAD (Standard American Diet). My meal planning was more about what I could get on the table…