Your time is valuable. As a homeschooler, homemaker, and parent you juggle a lot of roles. My hope is to maximize your energy and efficiency so that your time is well spent. The articles, printables, and resources you find here at Embracing Home Blog will always be practical and helpful. I want to build on…
All posts tagged home
4 Helpful Steps for Planning Summer Break
By the time April & May show up on the calendar I am ready to start my summer planning. If I am NOT the one deciding what my summer looks like then it gets decided FOR me. I stumble into August completely exhausted and worn out. I have no energy to start the school year…
Finding Inspiration in the Midst of Ordinary Moments of Spring
Today I will just make a simple post. This time of year is so busy with many things pulling me in different directions. I am sure you feel it too.I have found these to be helpful. I hope they bring assurance and uplift you in this season. Spring Inspiration #1 – video devotionals Leah Boden…
Life-Giving Routines – Printable Guide
We all have areas in our lives where we want to get things done quickly or “get in the zone” faster. Routines are the effortless solution. When we automate pieces of our lives with routines we: remove decision fatigue, we become more efficient, and we can relax into the rhythm of the tasks ahead of…
My Weekly Review & Bullet Journal Lists
This process keeps me focused on what needs to get done. My weekly review helps me see the white space areas of my week. (Or of lack space.) I am able to make margin or say no to things that are crowding me in. Q: How do I organize my week so that it…
4 Practical Meal Ideas For Your Day of Rest
All the household things do not come to a halt just because I have decided to rest. I still have to feed my family (or someone does anyway). And unfortunately, the house does not get magically cleaned by forest creatures. It seems counterintuitive to have to prepare for rest. But, Sabbath prep is NOT about…
How to Be Kind to my Future Self
What can I do today that will help me tomorrow? How can we be kind to the future version of ourselves who is tired and worn out? How can we do the thinking right now so that we do not have to do that later? The difficult part of tasks is often the thinking and…
Welcoming this New Year
I love the beginnings of the New Year. I enjoy the fresh calendars, the new planners, the clean crisp notebooks, and the restructuring of my routines. I enjoy having some time for reflection and goal setting. In my time spent planning my next year, I have been thinking about 4 major topics. Ways to find…
All is Calm & All is Bright – Making Christmas Enjoyable
Christmas is always a time of “extra things”. It is a level of busy that is unmatched in any other part of the year. Just thinking of all that goes into the space between Thanksgiving and New Year’s is exhausting. Multiple family gatherings, performances, end of the semester school events, finals and major tests, decorating…
Why Decluttering Clears My Mind
My favorite way to feel in control of my environment is to declutter something when I am overwhelmed. When I feel emotionally drained, scattered, frustrated, and/or defeated I tackle small spaces that need to be organized. So much of my life is investing into invisible things. I make an amazing, healthy, homemade meal and it…