Starting something new can be complicated and layered. Often we need a foundation to hold us steady as we step forward into new terrain. I’m still on my way, still learning, and it feels like an ongoing adventure of discovery. The exciting part? I’m guessing there will always be something new for me to learn.…
All posts tagged home
Autumn in the Arizona Desert
Even though it is mid October, today was over 105° F / 40° C. I really want to wear my sweaters that have been waiting in the back of my closet. The Arizona desert does not change drastically in the fall. It is a slow cooling down and not much visual change. Most of the…
Finding Balance in the Chaos: Time Inventory for Moms and Homemakers
I have found that I am resistant to change unless I have pain in my life or data to show me that I need to make a radical adjustment. That is why I love using a Time Inventory. When I am feeling some friction in my schedule, or in my expectations of myself, or my…
Summer Project: Sorting My Bookshelves (w/free printable)
It has become my annual project to take everything off the shelves from all the places in the house and sort the books. I dust, organize, and categorize all the books. I also take the time to set aside the ones we will need for the next school year. (Those get placed in bins in…
Interest-Lead Learning – Strewing (What, How & Why)
How do we encourage our kids to play in new ways or explore new ideas? I want to be the kind of mom who provides a childhood full of wonder and variety. But that can be tricky without going overboard on Pinterest, scheduling to many activities, or spending money in my already tight budget. I…
Embracing the Fall Season
This fall I am taking a break from writing and publishing. I am choosing to slow down. I will take more time to snuggle my kids close and enjoy handicrafts. I have an ambitious stack of books to read (with some new teas to try). I want to listen to more podcasts and audiobooks. I…
Making Room for the Fall Season
The Arizona desert does not change drastically in the fall. It is a slow cooling down and not much visual change. Most of the local trees stay a dusty green color throughout the year. There are very few trees that actually show the change of the seasons in my neighborhood. This means that I need…
Hygge: What It Is & Why It’s Important For Your Life
As the weather changes, I often begin to think about my home environment in a different way. I enjoyed reading this post from the Home Life Purpose blog and got permission to share it here with you all. 🍵💙Grab a cup of tea and read this Guest Post by Joanna Bischoff It’s September right now.…
Working from Home Without Losing Your Mind
Before we get to the practical, let me share my story… My Journey in Working from Home – I have been working 50 – 60 hour weeks (without payment) for over 17 years. When I type that out it sounds like a lot. I guess it actually is. For me, it has just been 20…
Batching Household Tasks – My Favorite Homemaking Tip
I have found that batching is the key to getting lots of things done but not thinking about it all day. Today’s article is simple and full of examples. I’m sure you will be able to apply this practical tool in whatever areas are frustrating for you. I use batching in my homemaking in multiple…