restful productivity to live deliberately & avoid overwhelm 

Welcoming this New Year

Welcoming this New Year

I love the beginnings of the New Year. I enjoy the fresh calendars, the new planners, the clean crisp notebooks, and the restructuring of my routines. I enjoy having some time for reflection and goal setting. In my time spent planning my next year, I have been thinking about 4 major topics. Ways to find…

Finding Flow & Focus in my Writing Routine

Finding Flow & Focus in my Writing Routine

I have found so much comfort in my Writing Routine. Through the process of slowing down, and getting settled in my space, I can transition smoothly. I can turn my attention to the tasks of my writing session. I can leave my “Mom Brain” and get into “Writing Mode”. Habits are super important when adding…

5 Energy Levels in Homemaking & Working from Home

5 Energy Levels in Homemaking & Working from Home

Managing myself is hard. I have to constantly assess what is most important and then spend time on those things. I must be diligent about how I invest my energy or it will be wasted on the unnecessarily urgent, the things that matter to other people, and the tasks that are fun. I have been…