restful productivity to live deliberately & avoid overwhelm 

4 Practical Meal Ideas For Your Day of Rest

4 Practical Meal Ideas For Your Day of Rest

All the household things do not come to a halt just because I have decided to rest. I still have to feed my family (or someone does anyway). And unfortunately, the house does not get magically cleaned by forest creatures. It seems counterintuitive to have to prepare for rest. But, Sabbath prep is NOT about…

The Moving Finish Line of “Done”

The Moving Finish Line of “Done”

As an overachiever, I can be my own enemy. My own critic who raises expectations. I constantly move the finish line after I accomplish a goal or a difficult milestone. I do not stop and enjoy the achievement. I tell myself that I will. I say to myself in the hard moments when I have…

Why is Sabbath Rest so HARD?

Why is Sabbath Rest so HARD?

The other day we had a summer rainstorm that was just perfect. It was the kind of rain that starts at night time and gently falls all day. The clouds stayed long enough to actually drop the temperature to a reasonable 90 degrees and it was wonderful. Until 2:00pm there were cool breezes and a…

5 Ways to Find Rest (from an Overachiever)

5 Ways to Find Rest (from an Overachiever)

Are You Worn Out? How do we find rest for our souls? How can we slow down when everything around us is moving at warp speed? Even when we manage to slow down our bodies, our souls still hum with activity. When we are finally able to sit in quiet; fast and scattered noise from…