restful productivity to live deliberately & avoid overwhelm 

I Suck at Piano – Lessons in Humility

I Suck at Piano – Lessons in Humility

I was a very capable adult. I had three kids already. I had taught myself gardening, canning, knitting, and how to cook from scratch. How hard would it be to take piano lessons? I was already homeschooling my oldest two. I would often get impatient when they were learning how to read or add simple…

Carpool Productivity & Tasks On the Go

Carpool Productivity & Tasks On the Go

Being productive in the midst of driving kids to different places can be tricky. I am a high achiever. I want to use those 30 minutes of waiting. The 45 minutes after drop-off can be used to do something that matters to me. Wasted time drives me crazy. I also love routine. So being in…

Ways to Find Clarity

Ways to Find Clarity

Your time is valuable. As a homeschooler, homemaker, and parent you juggle a lot of roles. My hope is to maximize your energy and efficiency so that your time is well spent. The articles, printables, and resources you find here at Embracing Home Blog will always be practical and helpful. I want to build on…

Work From Home Tip – Use Timers

Work From Home Tip – Use Timers

“Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.” – Parkinson’s law. We all fight against different forms of procrastination. The honest truth is that the work will not get completed if we do not have a deadline in front of us. Whether that deadline is made by someone else or by…

Tips for Clarity when Juggling Multiple Roles

Tips for Clarity when Juggling Multiple Roles

This life is a complicated balancing act. We each have different roles we play, things we manage, and jobs we do. The more responsibilities you have the more complicated your life gets. So how do we move forward and not get stuck? How do we keep going? There are unfinished lists, unhappy people, and a…

My Weekly Review & Bullet Journal Lists

My Weekly Review & Bullet Journal Lists

This process keeps me focused on what needs to get done. My weekly review helps me see the white space areas of my week. (Or of lack space.) I am able to make margin or say no to things that are crowding me in.   Q: How do I organize my week so that it…

3 Lists Saving My Sanity Right Now

3 Lists Saving My Sanity Right Now

Life in the past few months has been exceptionally hard. This season that I am in right now is full of days where I wake up and just focus on the next few hours. In my house there are interrupted schedules, strong emotions, and lots of family. I am not ready to write about my…

My Phone Has A Bedtime

My Phone Has A Bedtime

I’ve been nudged by my inner voice to have time away from my phone for years. But I’ve always brushed it off as being too extreme or too legalistic. Then I made the decision in the summer of 2020 to put my phone away each night. So, I took the leap and tried it.  It’s unbelievable…