restful productivity to live deliberately & avoid overwhelm 

Rabbit Holes & Learning for Enjoyment

Rabbit Holes & Learning for Enjoyment

Sometimes adult life can become repetitive or dull. I find that when that happens I am often stuck in a loop of output without exciting input. My theme for September has been “delightful education”. I have discovered that as a homeschool mom (and simply as an adult bringing up children) it is my job to…

My Commonplace – Notes On Learning

My Commonplace – Notes On Learning

What is a Commonplace Notebook and how I use it. Tips for life-long learners and those who love to journal. As we write the words of others, we develop our own ideas, building upon the concepts of those who have come before us.1 I was introduced to the idea of a Commonplace notebook when I…

My Commonplace Notebook – What Is It?

My Commonplace Notebook – What Is It?

I was introduced to the idea of a Commonplace notebook when I read The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady. I had 2 kids under the age of 4 and I was reviving my learning after being consumed with caring for little ones. I have always been fascinated by journaling and writing out what I…

Personality Frameworks & “Reading People”

Personality Frameworks & “Reading People”

I have always been intrigued by studying personality types and how they frame our lives. Over the years I have read shelves of books about personality types. It is also one of my favorite topics for late-night YouTube binging.  My favorite channels explore the humor in the Enneagram, MBTI, and Introvert/Extrovert tendencies. (I will list…

Enjoying Summer & Reading Big Magic

Enjoying Summer & Reading Big Magic

This book and this moment in this picture above were exactly what I needed. It was something that felt quintessentially “summer”. Reading by the pool today was just perfect. Like “the moments I see on Instagram” kind of perfect. The kind that I do not even attempt to achieve. The words from Big Magic are…

When My Reading Plans Fail

When My Reading Plans Fail

My Story & My Struggles as a Reader I have a deep love for reading. Books, and the words within them, are treasured in my house. I have shelves of well loved books and stacks ready to read. However, I have struggled to have consistent reading time for years. Does that surprise you?  When I…