Ever find yourself drawn to gossip and wild news stories to fill that need for connection and excitement, only to end up feeling kinda empty and alone? We have all been wired for a love of story and making connections through relationships. Often we can get sidetracked by gossip and over the top news briefs…
All posts in Mom Life
Unpaid Work is Still “Real Work”
Let’s break some WFH myths! Real work is defined by so much more than a paycheck or a schedule set by someone else. Here are 2 of the Work-From-Home myths that really get me fired up. The Myth: My schedule is flexible so I am available during the day. I have lost count of how…
Spring Roundup – posts you may have missed & free printables
Hey there! 🌵🌼 The days are getting longer with sunset stretching past dinner time and I see flowers blooming everywhere. Here in the Arizona desert there is so much beauty if you look for it. Join me on Substack to stay updated with the latest blog posts and exclusive content! Let’s embark on this journey…
What is “Subtle Resistance”?
When we are surrounded by specific norms, we no longer see them as optional but as “the way life is”. I want to challenge a few of those… Let’s jump right in! Here is how I define these words in the beginning pages of my book: subtle – (adj.) nuanced, delicate, skillful, laid back (verb)…
Embrace Your Inner Bookworm & Reignite Your Reading Life
We are all writers and readers. We live in a society with massive amounts of written communication. I like to go back to why those stories and words were made. Who wrote them and for what purpose? The non-fiction books on my bookshelf were written by people who have learned difficult lessons. They have picked…
Habits – Rhythms and Small Changes in My Day
Rhythms are patterns we follow as a way of doing something. I think of a rhythm as a soundtrack to the morning or afternoon. If I were in a movie, what music would be playing in the background? As I get into the habit of organizing my life with rhythms and routines, I’ve come across…
Hobby Revival: Overcoming Obstacles to Rekindle Your Passion
I have so much to do! Yes. True. But, if I do not get dirt under my nails from gardening, or make a mess with candle making, then what kind of life is that? Choosing to spend time on a hobby and chase the fun is worth it. In this previous post I wrote about…
The Icy Chill of Grief
I discovered long ago that grief is not linear. At times it slowly creeps in unnoticed until it can’t be ignored, other times it takes me by surprise. Embracing January & processing unexpected loss… This winter my grief process has reminded me of cold air changing a room. It’s like when the heater hasn’t been…
The Journey of Personal Growth
Starting something new can be complicated and layered. Often we need a foundation to hold us steady as we step forward into new terrain. I’m still on my way, still learning, and it feels like an ongoing adventure of discovery. The exciting part? I’m guessing there will always be something new for me to learn.…
Finding Balance in the Chaos: Time Inventory for Moms and Homemakers
I have found that I am resistant to change unless I have pain in my life or data to show me that I need to make a radical adjustment. That is why I love using a Time Inventory. When I am feeling some friction in my schedule, or in my expectations of myself, or my…