restful productivity to live deliberately & avoid overwhelm 

Using Timers in Homeschooling

Using Timers in Homeschooling

Timers can be used for many types of work and tasks. They can work as reminders, help kids with focus, and keep us from distraction. I use a variety of timers throughout my day. Here I will share how I apply these ideas to my homeschool day. See this article for how I use timers…

1st Day of School – My #1 Tip

1st Day of School – My #1 Tip

We are headed into Back to School season here in Arizona. The heat is kicking our butts and we are all anxious for the fall weather to bring us rain and some relief. But, unfortunately, we have a few more months of desert heat to get through. So public schools go back early (usually end…

Taking a Summer Break from Homeschool

Taking a Summer Break from Homeschool

I think we all deserve a summer break. I have come across an interesting phenomenon in homeschool families. They expect to be doing school work year-round. Whether they are intentionally year-round schooling or just always feeling guilty for “not getting enough school work done”. I have experienced this guilt in my own home as well.…

Day in the Life – Homeschooling 4 Kids

Day in the Life – Homeschooling 4 Kids

Here is a glimpse into what my day looks like.  I sit at the schoolroom table with 4 kids (with 4 different grade levels), 2 dogs, 3 cats, and my cup of coffee.  It is a Wednesday and we are working on our schoolwork. Two kids are reading on the couch, a dog is playing with…

Homeschool Encouragement – 12 Helpful Tips

Homeschool Encouragement – 12 Helpful Tips

 Let’s pretend that you and I could sit down for a cup of coffee and chat. We all need some encouragement in the job of homeschooling. If we were in person I would listen to what is hard. You could share your struggles and mishaps. And if you asked me for advice I would say…

Fun-Schooling: Ways to Learn Without Math Worksheets

Fun-Schooling: Ways to Learn Without Math Worksheets

We all need a break every now and then. Mom and kids both get drained and need a change in routine. Sometimes we need to make space to take a more relaxed approach to homeschooling. To do the activities that are enjoyed by all. Homeschooling is more than educating our kids. It is relationships and…

Decluttering My Home School Space

Decluttering My Home School Space

This week I am organizing our schoolroom. I am cleaning out and making room for what the next year holds. As I declutter my homeschool space my thoughts begin to change. I begin the mental shift from Summer Break to Back to School. What does your home school space look like? Where is it in…