😁Guest Post by Joanna Bischoff Homeschooling from a Mom of 3 How It All Began I look up from my desk. Three little heads, of varying heights and sizes, are intently bent over their desks, each at a (hopefully) brain-building school activity. In front of me is the homeschool area that I saw on Pinterest…
Practical Ideas for Daily Bible Study
I have found that it is very difficult to study the Bible and hear from My Creator without intentionally creating space for study and quiet. I have learned to slow down my body first and then I can slow my soul. But, I have made so many mistakes! I’ve steamrolled over so many situations, loved…
Taking Time for Lattes, Journaling, & Sunsets
How I am slowing down and doing small things to bring joy to my daily life. We are all given 24 hours each day. We each get to choose how that time is spent and where it goes. When I say the title to myself aloud: Taking Time for Lattes, Journaling, & Sunsets a little…
Personality Frameworks & “Reading People”
I have always been intrigued by studying personality types and how they frame our lives. Over the years I have read shelves of books about personality types. It is also one of my favorite topics for late-night YouTube binging. My favorite channels explore the humor in the Enneagram, MBTI, and Introvert/Extrovert tendencies. (I will list…
Carpool Productivity & Tasks On the Go
Being productive in the midst of driving kids to different places can be tricky. I am a high achiever. I want to use those 30 minutes of waiting. The 45 minutes after drop-off can be used to do something that matters to me. Wasted time drives me crazy. I also love routine. So being in…
Working from Home Without Losing Your Mind
Before we get to the practical, let me share my story… My Journey in Working from Home – I have been working 50 – 60 hour weeks (without payment) for over 17 years. When I type that out it sounds like a lot. I guess it actually is. For me, it has just been 20…
Using Timers in Homeschooling
Timers can be used for many types of work and tasks. They can work as reminders, help kids with focus, and keep us from distraction. I use a variety of timers throughout my day. Here I will share how I apply these ideas to my homeschool day. See this article for how I use timers…
Calling Myself A Writer
My Story: So much of what I do is invisible. I invest in things that cannot be seen. That gets undone within hours or days. The quiet soul work that happens between me and God cannot be seen. Homeschooling is a daily investment that will take years for the results to be seen. The house…
Batching Household Tasks – My Favorite Homemaking Tip
I have found that batching is the key to getting lots of things done but not thinking about it all day. Today’s article is simple and full of examples. I’m sure you will be able to apply this practical tool in whatever areas are frustrating for you. I use batching in my homemaking in multiple…
How to Avoid the Crash
What is the best way to slow down when things are busy? How can I take the time to process what is happening that is hard or unusual? Let’s pick this apart and look at the pieces we are dealing with. The Crash – What is it? What does it look like? Rebuilding Step #1:…