restful productivity to live deliberately & avoid overwhelmย 


My Commonplace – Notes On Learning

My Commonplace – Notes On Learning

What is a Commonplace Notebook and how I use it. Tips for life-long learners and those who love to journal. As we write the words of others, we develop our own ideas, building upon the concepts of those who have come before us.1 I was introduced to the idea of a Commonplace notebook when I…

7 Ways to Add Hygge this Summer ๐ŸŒž

7 Ways to Add Hygge this Summer ๐ŸŒž

What does it look like to embrace the summer season and create a cozy atmosphere of home without thick blankets or a warm fire? Each season has a uniqueness to it that can change depending on our lifestyle, job, kids, and of course location. But I like to include things into my daily and weekly…

The Monday Meeting – Productivity Tip for Moms

The Monday Meeting – Productivity Tip for Moms

I use this simple productivity tool for communication and unity in our home. We talk about things that need to be done, events that might happen, and anything we need to get ready for. I have heard it said before that communication is kindness. In my relationships and especially within my household clarity is key.…

6 Quick Tips for Planning Weekend Trips

6 Quick Tips for Planning Weekend Trips

How to plan your Weekend RV/Camping Trips so that they actually happen.๐Ÿ™‚ In our family, we want weekend RV trips to occur frequently. But this takes some planning and some intention. Weekends away do not magically appear (nor does the budget to pay for campsites, or time to pack). I have discovered there are specific…

Help Needed! – Working Title & Subtitle Ideas for my book

Help Needed! – Working Title & Subtitle Ideas for my book

Today is a super quick post. ๐Ÿ˜ I am prepping my query letter and book proposal to send out to agents and I would love some input and ideas from you all! Here is what I currently have: Working Title and Subtitle –         Title: Subtle Resistance –         Subtitle: Live Deliberately & Avoid Overwhelm I am very happy with my…

The Link Between Gossip & the Love of Story

The Link Between Gossip & the Love of Story

Ever find yourself drawn to gossip and wild news stories to fill that need for connection and excitement, only to end up feeling kinda empty and alone? We have all been wired for a love of story and making connections through relationships. Often we can get sidetracked by gossip and over the top news briefs…

Unpaid Work is Still “Real Work”

Unpaid Work is Still “Real Work”

Let’s break some WFH myths! Real work is defined by so much more than a paycheck or a schedule set by someone else. Here are 2 of the Work-From-Home myths that really get me fired up. The Myth: My schedule is flexible so I am available during the day. I have lost count of how…

My Top Homemaking & SAHM Tip: The Low-Energy List

My Top Homemaking & SAHM Tip: The Low-Energy List

Productivity tips to build resilience for your unique life. How do you deal with fatigue during your busy days at home? When are you most productive? Homemaking, being a stay at home parent, writing, homeschooling, working remote, or online contract work can easily become overwhelming. Any job working from home can have unique challenges especially…