restful productivity to live deliberately & avoid overwhelm 


My Counters Affect My Productivity

My Counters Affect My Productivity

How changing my habits with the dirty dishes and my cluttered kitchen counters rippled into my creativity. My Story – My dad was a professional chef and when I was little I was taught all about kitchen efficiency.  I learned about cooking tools, ways to prep your station, how to chop fruits and vegetables, and how to batch together tasks…

Morning Greeting

Morning Greeting

I am typically not a morning person (unless I am sitting in a camping chair). I require lots of coffee, quiet, and slow adjustment to the day. But even when I am half-awake I can see all the things that need to be done. ALL. THE. THINGS. Unfortunately, the listing part of my brain does…

5 Ways to Find Rest (from an Overachiever)

5 Ways to Find Rest (from an Overachiever)

Are You Worn Out? How do we find rest for our souls? How can we slow down when everything around us is moving at warp speed? Even when we manage to slow down our bodies, our souls still hum with activity. When we are finally able to sit in quiet; fast and scattered noise from…

Finding Flow & Focus in my Writing Routine

Finding Flow & Focus in my Writing Routine

I have found so much comfort in my Writing Routine. Through the process of slowing down, and getting settled in my space, I can transition smoothly. I can turn my attention to the tasks of my writing session. I can leave my “Mom Brain” and get into “Writing Mode”. Habits are super important when adding…

Daily Theme Ideas for Summer

Daily Theme Ideas for Summer

Summer can be very complicated. We all look forward to the different pace that summer brings. I always picture it being simple, full of popsicles, swimming, and fun. But it often does not end up that way. At least for me. Summer does not feel the same as it did in my childhood. It is…

Stuck in the Fog of Wanting to Write

Stuck in the Fog of Wanting to Write

We can easily be stuck in the fog of having a message to share and not knowing how. This is the process that I went through. Your path may look very different than mine. I am still finding my way, learning, and on a journey of discovery. I am guessing that there will always be…

5 Energy Levels in Homemaking & Working from Home

5 Energy Levels in Homemaking & Working from Home

Managing myself is hard. I have to constantly assess what is most important and then spend time on those things. I must be diligent about how I invest my energy or it will be wasted on the unnecessarily urgent, the things that matter to other people, and the tasks that are fun. I have been…

Practical Tips for Attending a Homeschool Convention

Practical Tips for Attending a Homeschool Convention

Why should I go? Homeschool conventions are helpful because they create community, I can see the materials in person, and I can listen to great speakers. I am able to see friends I have made, make new ones, and connect with other homeschoolers from around the state. My favorite convention is AFHE: Arizona Families for…