restful productivity to live deliberately & avoid overwhelm 


The Moving Finish Line of “Done”

The Moving Finish Line of “Done”

As an overachiever, I can be my own enemy. My own critic who raises expectations. I constantly move the finish line after I accomplish a goal or a difficult milestone. I do not stop and enjoy the achievement. I tell myself that I will. I say to myself in the hard moments when I have…

Fun-Schooling: Ways to Learn Without Math Worksheets

Fun-Schooling: Ways to Learn Without Math Worksheets

We all need a break every now and then. Mom and kids both get drained and need a change in routine. Sometimes we need to make space to take a more relaxed approach to homeschooling. To do the activities that are enjoyed by all. Homeschooling is more than educating our kids. It is relationships and…

5 Reasons Why Writing Can Feel So Lonely

5 Reasons Why Writing Can Feel So Lonely

Let’s jump straight into why writing feels so isolating. I am a beginner and I am learning this process. I hope to help you feel seen and less alone by being vulnerable about the challenges I face and the frustrations I have experienced. I also share 6 solutions that are working for me. #1.  Writing…

My #1 Writing Rule & Finding Inspiration

My #1 Writing Rule & Finding Inspiration

My Simple Writing Tips Writing has become a source of deep joy for me this year. I am able to share ideas, what I am learning, and tell my story. Most days it pours out of my fingers into a Word document. Or I am out on a walk and I end up talk-texting paragraphs…

Why is Sabbath Rest so HARD?

Why is Sabbath Rest so HARD?

The other day we had a summer rainstorm that was just perfect. It was the kind of rain that starts at night time and gently falls all day. The clouds stayed long enough to actually drop the temperature to a reasonable 90 degrees and it was wonderful. Until 2:00pm there were cool breezes and a…

When My Reading Plans Fail

When My Reading Plans Fail

My Story & My Struggles as a Reader I have a deep love for reading. Books, and the words within them, are treasured in my house. I have shelves of well loved books and stacks ready to read. However, I have struggled to have consistent reading time for years. Does that surprise you?  When I…