restful productivity to live deliberately & avoid overwhelm 


Series Intro: Conversations About Writing with Reed Mingault

Series Intro: Conversations About Writing with Reed Mingault

I am fortunate to have people in my life who inspire me. Reed Mingault is one of those. She is my cousin and writing buddy. We are both relatively new taking our writing seriously. This sparks great conversation whenever we get together. It is exciting to share the writing process with someone who thinks differently.…

Easy Family Routines: The Monday Meeting

Easy Family Routines: The Monday Meeting

It’s a Monday morning.  We are all moving slow.  The kids would rather play computer games and I would love to sit on the couch with a good book. The weekend was very busy with household tasks, catching up on laundry, activities with cousins, farm chores, shopping, and church. Now we must move into our…

Tackling Meal Planning #1 (the Why)

Tackling Meal Planning #1 (the Why)

This week I will make 15 meals for my family. Lunches, dinners, and a few fancy breakfasts. I will hand wash dishes at least 10 times and spend several hours in prep.  In a month, I will spend 68 hours on meal prep and feeding my household. How much time do you spend in the…

What does Sabbath Mean? What is it?

What does Sabbath Mean? What is it?

I have been reading about and studying Sabbath for a few years now. This whole idea is so countercultural and radically different from what our society holds as important. The rebel in me loves to be a bit different and do something that most people consider odd. I also love doing a deep dive into…

When Spring Feels Exhausting

When Spring Feels Exhausting

Most of what I see on Instagram or Pinterest is about how Spring is a beautiful time of year. I do not agree. Spring is hard for me. If I am being completely honest, spring is a lot of work. It is finishing the school year well, deep cleaning the house, organizing my home (and…

Maintaining Healthy Habits on Trips

Maintaining Healthy Habits on Trips

 A problem that we can run into is making good habits stick when we are on vacation. How do I keep moving forward in my health goals when I am in a different environment? What is the best way to plan for relaxation but not slide into old patterns? Decide the healthy choices that you…

Life-Giving Routines – Printable Guide

Life-Giving Routines – Printable Guide

We all have areas in our lives where we want to get things done quickly or “get in the zone” faster. Routines are the effortless solution. When we automate pieces of our lives with routines we: remove decision fatigue, we become more efficient, and we can relax into the rhythm of the tasks ahead of…