restful productivity to live deliberately & avoid overwhelm 

Capacity – Personal Growth

I think of a sound board when I look at snapshots of my life. There are times when I have space for growth and forward momentum, then others when that becomes a background track. I met my husband serving in college ministry at church. We chatted over the soundboard before and after meetings. Those interactions…

Theme Days & Bucket Lists🌞 [+ free printable]

My favorite planning tip to enjoy this season without feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. Practical ways to structure your Summer days at home. Summer can be very complicated. We all look forward to the different pace that summer brings. I always picture it being simple, full of popsicles, swimming, and fun. But it often does not…

My Commonplace – Notes On Learning

What is a Commonplace Notebook and how I use it. Tips for life-long learners and those who love to journal. As we write the words of others, we develop our own ideas, building upon the concepts of those who have come before us.1 I was introduced to the idea of a Commonplace notebook when I…

7 Ways to Add Hygge this Summer 🌞

What does it look like to embrace the summer season and create a cozy atmosphere of home without thick blankets or a warm fire? Each season has a uniqueness to it that can change depending on our lifestyle, job, kids, and of course location. But I like to include things into my daily and weekly…

The Monday Meeting – Productivity Tip for Moms

I use this simple productivity tool for communication and unity in our home. We talk about things that need to be done, events that might happen, and anything we need to get ready for. I have heard it said before that communication is kindness. In my relationships and especially within my household clarity is key.…

6 Quick Tips for Planning Weekend Trips

How to plan your Weekend RV/Camping Trips so that they actually happen.🙂 In our family, we want weekend RV trips to occur frequently. But this takes some planning and some intention. Weekends away do not magically appear (nor does the budget to pay for campsites, or time to pack). I have discovered there are specific…

Help Needed! – Working Title & Subtitle Ideas for my book

Today is a super quick post. 😁 I am prepping my query letter and book proposal to send out to agents and I would love some input and ideas from you all! Here is what I currently have: Working Title and Subtitle –         Title: Subtle Resistance –         Subtitle: Live Deliberately & Avoid Overwhelm I am very happy with my…