restful productivity to live deliberately & avoid overwhelm 

My Life in Lists

I have found freedom in list-making.  I know those two are contradictory statements but stick with me for a minute. When I know what I need to get done, what is expected of me, what I want to see accomplished, then I can choose what to do.  I can make a conscious decision to spend my…

Household Chores & Cleaning the Home

Let’s talk about Household Chores and Cleaning! My Story Why We Clean Kid Responsibilities/ Chores Questions for You My Favorite Resources My Story: Yes, I am actually excited about this topic. I really love a clean house. Open spaces with clean horizontal surfaces and clean floors… yes!! I like things to be clean so that…

Morning Routines for My Kids

Let’s set up the day for success! Whatever your day holds, let’s reclaim the mornings. We can start the day with time to ourselves, a house that is reset for the day, and with a peaceful atmosphere. I am not a morning person. But it is particularly important to me that we begin each day…

Productivity for Moms Series

In 2016, I was spending my time in a reactive state. Constantly overwhelmed by everything that needed to be done. I felt like I never actually made progress on the things that mattered to me. I was wondering if this was really what my life was supposed to look like. I lived in an exhausted…

Morning Routines for Moms

Spring and early Summer is a time that I focus on having a consistent morning routine. I have found much value in starting the day on my terms. I need some time to be alone, shower, get fully dressed, have some coffee in a dark kitchen and read. It does not go well if my…

My Summer Planning

How I Plan For Our Summer Break As a kid, summer vacation was full of so much freedom. No school! Backyard slip ‘n slides and popsicles that stained my t-shirt. Reading all my favorite books from the library. Playing Mario Brothers on the Nintendo. It was effortless and free. But now I am a mom,…

Thinking About Summer

How I do spring cleaning with my planning. It is spring. The Palo Verde trees are blooming and it is heating up during the day. As I rummage for my flip-flops in my closet, I begin to think about our summer plans.  What will this summer look like? What adventures will we have? What kind…

Rising Strong by Brené Brown

Brené Brown is relatable and full of wisdom. When I saw her Ted Talk on YouTube (titled: The Power of Vulnerability) I immediately ordered two of her books. In Rising Strong, Brené Brown shares her insights from her research on shame and overcoming adversity. This book has been pivotal for me to move forward in…

I Am Enough

Some days I make great meals, I homeschool my kids, and maybe even fold a load of laundry. Then I end the day curled up on the couch with a book trying to enjoy the moment. And that’s “all” that I did. And that is enough.  All of the tiny critics shouting at me telling…

Monday Meetings

It’s a Monday morning.  We are all moving slow.  The kids would rather play computer games and I would love to sit on the couch with a good book. The weekend was very busy with household tasks, catching up on laundry, activities with cousins, farm chores, shopping, and church. Now we must move into our…