restful productivity to live deliberately & avoid overwhelm 

5 More Roadblocks That Stop My Productivity – Part 2

Like a sudden road closure, I feel disoriented and lost at times. Here are more places in my life that may not be obvious where I often get stuck and feel overwhelmed.

Part 2 of places where I can feel overwhelmed and stuck.

I know firsthand how frustrating it can be when productivity comes to a screeching halt.

Getting stuck and feeling overwhelmed can sometimes feel like you’re carrying a heavy weight with no clear path forward. It’s easy to get trapped in a cycle of frustration, where every task seems daunting and progress feels out of reach. In those moments, it’s important to remember that taking small, deliberate steps can help you regain momentum.

By acknowledging these roadblocks and understanding their roots, we can start to dismantle them and move toward a more balanced and fulfilling way of living.

Here is Part 1

And now here is the rest of my list….

#6 Overscheduled

I have no free time. I have no time for reflection, planning, or just being April. I have not allowed myself to take a Sabbath or have some rest. I am staying up late watching Netflix or scrolling YouTube. I am in the van driving kids and I do not have enough time at home to get my tasks done. Extra appointments at the orthodontist, extra dance practices, hosting gatherings, and last-minute shopping have taken over my week.

What is true? What can I change? I am in control of my calendar. I need to say NO and disappoint others so that I can have time for myself.

I can not do ALL THE THINGS.

I can not be everything to everyone. Even my kids and all their ideas and hobbies. I need to make space for myself too. Slowing down requires setting boundaries that will help me.

#7 Clutter

My house feels overwhelming. The counters are stacked with stuff. The pantry is full of half-eaten cracker boxes and empty bags of chips. I can not find what I am looking for. I can not make dinner because there is stuff stacked everywhere and the fridge is disorganized! I feel defeated and annoyed.

What is true? What can I change? Stuff has pull on us. It holds emotional power and the weight of unmade decisions.

When I get rid of things I no longer need I am making space for things that do. Clearing clutter gives me an inner sense of calm. A feeling of peace that things are where they should be. I am also acknowledging the season that I am in right now and what I need right now. I will often walk away with a cleaner closet (or drawer) and a new perspective on an area of my life.

#8 Holding information in my head.

I’m not using all of my helpful lists and my planner. I am relying on my head to keep information organized and I feel confused. I’m not sure what’s most important, I’m wasting time on things, I can’t remember what needs to be done.

What is true? What can I change? I can use the processes that works for me. I can go back to the lists that I like to use. I can spend 30 minutes walking around the house and writing everything down. A small amount of reflection time makes a huge difference. (see this article about all my beautiful lists.)

#9 Imposter syndrome

This is a term that was new to me when I started writing. I discovered a name for something I’ve been struggling with most of my life. It is the feeling of not being qualified and not being the right person for the job. That other people actually know what they’re doing and I am just guessing.

What is true? What can I change? We are all just doing our best. Yes, some of us have more knowledge in specific areas. Yes, I am a beginner in this task/hobby/area. But we have all been beginners. We are all just trying to move the needle forward on what matters to us, in the time we have, with the skills we have right now.

Our society has this idea that we must be an expert at something before we can start. There’s something very valuable about being a beginner. There is value in learning something brand new. We might make a lot of mistakes, we might do things in the wrong way, but the newness gives us a fresh perspective.  We are able to make connections with other things that we know. Finding joy in a hobby is a great way to fight Imposter Syndrome. (see this article for more)

#10 Homeschooling is exhausting.

Homeschooling is hard. I have to wear lots of hats. I have lots of responsibilities.  As a homeschool mom, if I raise my voice or set an expectation too high it becomes a relationship problem between me and my child. It is not “just business”. It becomes complicated. There is also a lot of planning, clutter, and mess involved with homeschooling well. I have everything I need for all the grades I am teaching at one time. I also have all the craft supplies of a small preschool and enough educational games to fill 2 closets. It is a lot to manage physically and mentally. 

What is true? What can I change? For our family, homeschooling is a lifestyle choice that we have made. I choose to invest in the education of my children in this unique way. Homeschooling is a also an extra level of parenting and budgeting. We make sacrifices financially and with our time so that we can make that investment into our kids. (Sending my kids to public school would have it’s own challenges and would not be the “easy” choice either.) I will choose to be thankful for this life that we have made even when it is hard. (Here is a series that will be helpful to you: Work/Life Balance with Homeschooling and here is a simple article to get you started: New to Homeschooling? – Start Here)

Reflection Question:

What is stopping your productivity this week?

Whatever you face and no matter what stops you from going forward, there is hope. We can all do our best with what we have right now in the season we are in. Know that you are not alone.

I would love to hear from you what areas you get stuck in and how you deal with that frustration. Please send me a note!

🩵Wishing you the best! – April

cover photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash