restful productivity to live deliberately & avoid overwhelm 

Summer Reflection – What Worked & What Didn’t?

Each season of the year has challenges and changes. I want to apply those lessons learned, not repeat them endlessly. Reflection brings me valuable insight.

I am inspired to do reflection by what Brené Brown calls Act 2 – The Messy Middle. Characters in a movie, book or any story get stuck in Act 2. This is the major conflict of the story.

The main characters have done everything they can. Now they must choose the hard thing to move forward. They have exhausted all of the easy solutions and now have to step out into vulnerability, fear, the unknown, or their own weaknesses.

The story would not have an arc, a resolution, or action sequence if the main character decided to avoid The Messy Middle.

It would be a boring, sad story.

So if I am the main character in my story, how can I learn from this last season?

How can I look back at my story arc and see what affected my life this summer?

What can I do to plan for the season ahead?

My answer:


“Don’t let your hard moments be wasted.” Chad Moore1

Reflection helps us move forward with intention.

Each season of the year that comes will have challenges and changes. I want to apply those lessons learned, not repeat them endlessly. So at the beginning of each calendar season I take some time for reflection and evaluation.

The longer reflection is avoided, the harder it is to do. The more backlog we get, the more we have to work through.

Photo by Jessica Mangano on Unsplash

The most effective form of reflection is actually very simple. It’s just a journal and some time alone to be honest with yourself.

Take some time and answer these questions:

  • What went well this summer?
  • What was difficult or felt like a struggle?
  • Was there anything unique to this summer?
  • How did this summer feel the same as others?
  • What would you like to change next year?

Printables for Summer Break Reflection

An important piece of making that transition from Summer Fun to busy Back to School season in our house is having a conversation as a family.

We talk about our summer break and what we did. I often get out my phone and scroll through the photos I took. We look at the digital family calendar and see where we went and how we spent our time.

Here are some printables I have created for my kids that might be helpful for you.

Summer Break Reflections – Free PDF

For more specific ideas check out this post from my blog archives: 3 Ways We Say Goodbye to Summer Break

I hope that wherever you are that you found something helpful for your own reflection practice. There are many ways to approach looking back and learning from the last 3 months.

Take the time to slow down and do that soon. (Put in on your calendar as a date with yourself!)

You never know what insight will be waiting there for you.

Do you have a seasonal reflection practice?

How do you move into Back to School season?

I would love to hear your ideas!

💙📝 Happy Reflection! – April

Check out my TikTok!

1 Character Isn’t Formed in the Spotlight | Chad Moore If you are in the midst of a difficult season check this out. 🩵

Cover Photo by Jessica Mangano on Unsplash