restful productivity to live deliberately & avoid overwhelm 

Avoiding Buckets of Ice Water

The transition into Back to School Season can often feel harsh and abrupt. I plan to do things differently this season. [ + free PDFs ] 🌞

Our society treats transitions like a bucket of ice water dumped on our heads. Fast, cold, abrupt, and shocking to our systems. Then we wonder why we can’t keep up!

We cannot be cheerful or relaxed about a difficult task that we are not ready for. Back to School season is a hefty challenge all on it’s own (without the ice water)!

Photo by Aman Krishna on Unsplash

So often our culture expects us to switch modes from relaxed summer straight into busy school activity. Moving from our laid back Summer Break into the rushed and stressed Back to School Season can be a shock to our systems. Alarm clocks go off earlier, routines must be followed, lunches packed, after school events, supplies gathered… all the things.

I want to do things differently.

With planning we can have a gentle transition and a slower approach, letting the new season unfold naturally.

This slower on-ramp is a gift to me and my household. It is a kindness to my future self.

Check out my TikTok!

Living deliberately means that I can:

  • spend some time in reflection (more on this next week)
  • celebrate the end of summer in some small way
    • I usually check over Summer bucket list and pick one or two activities to mark the end of summer.
  • take some time to acknowledge the challenges in the season ahead
  • add in life-giving routines
    • new morning routines
    • earlier bedtime or relaxing evening routine
  • pay attention to the demands I am facing and problem solve
    • What do I have the power to change or adjust?
  • slowly change my daily rhythm to match my new schedule
    • in a way that feels like me and not rushed
  • make changes to my home so that it is prepared to support me
    • organization, decluttering, preparing for the role it plays
    • meal planning (more on this soon)
  • continue personal growth in smaller ways
    • fitting learning and reading into cracks in my day
Photo by pure julia on Unsplash

When I take the time to transition into a new season slowly and deliberately, I feel more like myself. I make space for all the details and complications. Time spent in reflection gives me insight for next year. I can readjust my priorities and focus on what matters most to me.

When I am pressed for time, energy, or motivation I just do the simple basics in each area (or skip things). And that is okay. Yes, this takes me some time. But I am always happy to put that organization in place before that school year begins. I enjoy taking the time for fun and reflection with my kids. I am often reminded of the fun things that we have done.

Each August I do what I can. Each year is different and has different needs. And I give myself grace to just keep moving forward, imperfectly, with intention.

The school year is coming and I want us all to be ready for it. When the new season rolls in, instead of shock and frustration, we are ready for it. We can greet August with fresh morning routines, sharpened pencils, and a well-stocked fridge.

Reflection Question: What will your transition into the Back-To-School Season look like for you?

I would love to hear your ideas!

📖💙- April

**Next week’s post: Summer Reflection – What Worked & What Didn’t?

P.S. –

Here are some printables I have created for my kids that might be helpful for you.

Summer Break Reflections – Free PDF

For more specific ideas check out this post from my blog archives: 3 Ways We Say Goodbye to Summer Break