restful productivity to live deliberately & avoid overwhelm 

The Monday Meeting – Productivity Tip for Moms

I use this simple productivity tool for communication and unity in our home. We talk about things that need to be done, events that might happen, and anything we need to get ready for.

I have heard it said before that communication is kindness. In my relationships and especially within my household clarity is key.

In a recent IG post Megan Fate Marshman shared a relationship question to ask your kids. “What can I do in our relationship to be a better mom to you?” After seeing that post, while waiting in the car for my youngest, I gathered the courage and texted my older kids that question.

To be fully transparent, I was a little worried about the response I would get. What would they say?

One answer from my teenage son was about understanding the schedule and knowing our expectations for events on the calendar. I was reminded of a practice that we had called Monday Meetings. We brought back this routine and it has made a positive impact in our home these past few weeks.

So, here is the updated version of the article from my blog archives, enjoy! 😉

brown wicker basket on white table
Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

On Monday during breakfast, I call everyone to the family calendar on the kitchen wall. We stand there together and discuss what our schedule looks like for the week ahead.

I ask questions like:

  • “We have time on Thursday afternoon this week. Do you guys want to meet friends at the park or go shoe shopping?”
  • “I don’t think we should go out to eat this week, but what night should we make homemade pizza?”
  • “When was your friend going to come over?”

I explain things that need to be done:

  • “Because we have this zoo field trip early on Tuesday morning, we will need to pack lunches and get everything ready on Monday evening.”
  • “We need to leave space in our calendar on Friday afternoon because I need to clean out the chicken pens this week.”

We talk about things that need to be done, events that might happen, and anything we need to get ready for.

I have learned that harmony happens when everyone knows what is expected and what is planned. Each Monday it looks a little different.

I ask for input from the kids and we all get on the same page.

We make decisions standing in our kitchen together relaxed and calm.

Then later in the week, when stressful events wear me out, I just do what we already planned. On-the-spot thinking is not needed.

Some ideas on how we make this work.

The Purpose:

  • To see the entire week all at once.
  • To communicate what we care about
  • To make decisions together
  • So that the kids will know about optional activities
  • This is also a time to show flexibility and how plans can change.
    • If ______ happens, then we will do this _____ .

The Monday Meeting Layout:

Together standing at the calendar we review what is written or digitally entered for the week

  • We discuss normal schedule stuff
  • Review extra events happening
  • Upcoming holidays/events this month/vacations
  • This week’s weather & anything seasonal
  • Tasks to be done
  • Errands to run
  • Chores to do that are unique to this week
  • Goals or plans we have for school or special events
  • Updates on things scheduled – What has changed?

This takes us less than 10 minutes.

But it saves me a ton of frustration and overwhelm during the week.

Our planning teaches our kids how to be flexible and focus on what’s important. Also, all our kids feel like their ideas matter. When challenges come, then we can all work together and solve problems as a family.

reflection questions:

  • What is important to your family this week?
  • What activities need some preparations made?

Please share in the comments. ⬇️

I hope this tool is helpful for you as you navigate your busy schedule too. Whatever your week holds, I am wishing you the best!

🌼🗓️Happy Monday! – April

Check out my TikTok!

a planner with two pens sitting on top of it
Photo by 2H Media on Unsplash
