restful productivity to live deliberately & avoid overwhelm 

Ways to Find Clarity

Your time is valuable. As a homeschooler, homemaker, and parent you juggle a lot of roles. My hope is to maximize your energy and efficiency so that your time is well spent. The articles, printables, and resources you find here at Embracing Home Blog will always be practical and helpful.

I want to build on the good you are already doing to help you make a bigger impact. Your home life, routines, and invisible daily tasks are making a difference in this next generation.

Grab a cup of coffee, a notebook, and let’s make some lists together! 😀

[AFHE Homeschool Convention – SPECIAL POST]

Do you feel stuck in the fog?

One of my biggest frustrations is having big ideas and not knowing how to practically get there. I want usable tools that I can add to my daily life so that I am living intentionally and getting to where I want to go.

These days matter. The time that we have in our home with our kids is valuable. Homeschooling is a huge decision to change your family life and take a different path.

As a homeschool mom, I am invested in the future of my kids in unique ways. How I structure routines, organize my home, and plan the schedule can make a difference. I can make small changes that will go a long way.

As I learn the rhythms that work for me and my family, I will become more efficient and less stressed. I can find a balance in life and homeschooling. It does not mean that I need to “do more”. Instead, I can enjoy my life, my home, and my precious time with my kids.

Photo credit: Mary Edwards
Photo by Jessica Lewis on Unsplash

These days matter. The time that we have in our home with our kids is valuable.

Photo by Jake Johnson on Unsplash

I have struggled with burnout, overwhelm, and an overachiever mentality. This blog is my little place where I share what I have experienced and what I am learning – including my mistakes. My hope is that something here will inspire you, help you feel less alone, and strengthen your life.

Here are some posts with practical ways that I find my next steps:

> Simple Changes in your Home:

Where do you want to find clarity right now?

What areas feel foggy? Where do you feel stuck right now?

How can I encourage you today?

No matter what you are facing today, you are not alone. I am doing my best to stand alongside you and encourage you in your busy life.

I know that you are already doing so much. You are making a difference in the lives of your kids, your friends, and those in your home.

I want to build on the good you are already doing. Let’s work together to make an even greater impact.

Subscribe to the newsletter and get encouragement in your inbox – NEWSLETTER

I am so glad you are here!

Have a great day!- April 😁

P.S. – If you want to get to know me better here is my burnout story: How God Met Me in London – From Burnout to Transformation

More on the Blog

Photo credits: Jason Paige & Mary Edwards and Other photos from: Sixteen Miles Out, Jessica Lewis on Unsplash