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Celebrating the End of the School Year

What does Summer Break mean to you?

How do you separate that time from the rest of the school year?

As a homeschool mom, I have the added challenge of making that time feel different to the kids than the rest of the school year. Sure, we take a break from our school work, and the homeschool classes we are in take a break till August. But, it is important to me to mark that change so that summer has its own identity.

I have tried to do this every year. I do my best to make some space at the end of May to just slow down and celebrate this past school year.

Here are some ways that we transition into Summer Break:

Awards & Certificates of Completion

We take the time to acknowledge what we did well and what progress each kid has made. This can be simply printing out a certificate and giving it to them at dinner tonight. Or if you want to make it more notable, invite a few friends over and celebrate each kid with a shortlist of their accomplishments. I talk about what each kid has learned educationally, in relationships, and hobbies they have tried. I see each of my kids as unique individuals who need to be seen and appreciated for what they bring to the world. The End of the Year Celebration is my opportunity to do just that.

> > > Here are some free printable certificates and a guide with questions to help you with this. 😁

Celebration & Fun

Sometimes you can just highlight what you’re already planning on doing. Like a family movie night where you stop and acknowledge that it’s the end of the school year and you’re doing a family movie night to celebrate. Other times you can plan something special like a gift, ice cream sundaes, or going somewhere unique.

  • Ice cream sundaes
  • Going swimming
  • Pizza for dinner
  • Family Movie night
  • Gifts for summer fun – Lego sets, stacking dominos, books, card games (Emoji Uno), craft kits (homemade slime), magazines, Pokemon cards, Steam games gift card
  • Trip to the library – get a stack of fun books & starting the summer reading program

Change in Schedule & Routine

  • The family schedule gets adjusted. We change our actual schedule so that the kids can sleep in, have more free time, and stay up later. I make sure that I allow space during our Summer Break for the kids to get bored, learn about how to manage their time, and help cook meals.
  • Our outside activities have to change. Because of the Arizona desert heat, we have to change when we do activities outside. Farm chores, talking a walk in the neighborhood, and yard work happens later in the day after 7pm.
  • My exercise routine is different in the months of summer heat. If I don’t have a plan it is easy to just skip it.
    • My Summer exercise favorites:
      • Daily walks at sunset or evening
      • Working out at the rec center
      • Exercise videos on YouTube before lunch
      • Yoga & stretching after the kids go to bed (before my shower and Nexflix)
  • My morning routine often changes.  The location, what I do, and when I start my routine looks very different than the winter… and that is okay.
  • We also choose commitments carefully. We take time before adding them to our budget and our calendar. Summer camps, swimming, trips, and classes are discussed and chosen sparingly. I do not want to enter our next school year in August exhausted from an overly busy summer.

Meal Planning & Fun Snacks

In May I go to the grocery store and buy ice cream sandwiches, fudge bars, bullet popsicles, chips, watermelon, and fun snacks. I also change our dinners to reflect the season. We make things like pasta salads, hot dogs, and chicken on the grill. I shift my focus to not cooking with the oven, less heavy foods, and more fresh produce.

Here are some great ideas for this category:

> > >Here are my free printables to help you with Summer Meal Planning 😁

Decor & Seasonal House Reset

I think about the hygge of my home. A big change I make that takes less than 5 minutes is smell. I switch out the candles that I light in the mornings on the island during my morning routine. Candles that smell like summer to me: lavender, lemon, tropical smells, sage, and sandalwood. My favorite summer one I got at Bath and Body Works is called “Amazing Mom”. I kid you not, it smells like watermelon with a hint of sandy beaches.

When I think of summer I also think of bright colors, lightweight materials, and less clutter. I switch out the pile of heavy winter couch blankets for a few lightweight ones. I clear clutter and knickknacks from surfaces and put stacks of books that will interest the kids.  I change the wreath on the front door, clean the windows, clean out the pantry, wipe down surfaces… just a general refresh of our home.

Household Organization

I restock sunscreen, swim towels, and make sure the swim stuff is easy to get to. I put away thick jackets and cold weather stuff (we don’t have much🙂).  I also get out toys that the kids have not played with in a while. I spend a Saturday cleaning up the Legos, Lincoln Logs, craft supplies, Pearler Beads, Snap Circuits, and board games. I ask them to help clean up the game closet and they are suddenly excited to play the games that have been shoved in the back for months. The organization inspires creativity for their free time.

The end of the school year has so much to think about. Let us help!

Free 9-page PDF download for your Summer Planning:

  • End of the Year Certificates
    • (with ideas to fill them out)
  • Daily Planner
    • for figuring out your summer days.
  • 2 different Weekly Planners
    • for organizing your schedule
  • Weekly Meal Plan
    • handout & 2 pages to help you figure out your family’s Summer Dinner Ideas.

Some Questions for You:

What does the summer seasonal transition look like in your home?

What do you do to celebrate?

How does your schedule change?

What kinds of meals did you enjoy as a kid during the summer?

What do you enjoy cooking when it’s hot out?

How do you give your home a reset from winter/spring decor?

What are some small changes you can make?

Where are there toys, craft supplies, and kid stuff crammed and disorganized?

Can you bring that stuff out, sort it, and have it ready for when summer boredom kicks in?

Let’s mark the seasonal change so that summer has its own identity.

We can do some small things to make some space at the end of May. We can slow down and celebrate this past school year. What we have done, how we have spent our time, and what we have learned matters. Whether you homeschool, public school, or even if you don’t have kids. Marking that change helps us be more present.

Whatever small (or big) things you decide to do, know that this summer will happen only once this year. Celebrate it now and enjoy it with your people.

Happy Summer – April

P.S. – Check out some more articles about Seasonal Planning and  Summer Planning  <  <  <

Photo by Dan Gold, Jubéo Hernandez, The Nix Company,  Michał Parzuchowski, Mesh on Unsplash

The end of the school year has so much to think about. Let us help!

Free 9-page PDF download for your Summer Planning:

  • End of the Year Certificates
    • (with ideas to fill them out)
  • Daily Planner
    • for figuring out your summer days.
  • 2 different Weekly Planners
    • for organizing your schedule
  • Weekly Meal Plan
    • handout & 2 pages to help you figure out your family’s Summer Dinner Ideas.