restful productivity to live deliberately & avoid overwhelm 

The Writing Process Can Be Messy

Wrestling With My Work- What I learned when I tried to write 1 post on Sabbath and it morphed into 15…

It seems fitting that to write these articles about Sabbath I had to slow down. I needed to sit, read, take notes slowly, and reflect. I was not able to write the article by pushing forward in my own effort. After all, Sabbath Rest is about choosing to pause.

It started as one gigantic article and slowly divided into 15. I’ve been wrestling with it for a few months. Trying to get it to take shape.

Writing lots of words that have been edited out.

Making lots of observations in my own life.

Taking a lot of notes.

And reading… lots of reading. Gathering and processing information.

Making connections and trying things out.

Writing 15 articles at one time is not recommended! It feels very scattered and a bit panic-ridden.

I have all the posts labeled in Evernote in one notebook. I am adding in quotes, fleshing out details, and creating structure. It is messy, disorienting, and scattered. Right now I am hoping that something good comes from all of this work. That somehow these haphazard notes become the bones of really great content.

Have you ever done work like that?

Have you ever been in the messy middle of something and not able to see the finished results?

I know that I am getting there.

That with each step of progress that it will all come together well. I will trust the process. I will rest in the fact that I am going at the speed that works for me.

Certain topics need time to simmer. To wait and develop in my life.

Our society has this idea that we must be an expert at something before we can start. But, there is something very valuable about being a beginner. We might make a lot of mistakes, we might do things in the wrong way, but the newness gives us a fresh perspective. We are able to make connections with other things that we know.

I have not identified myself as a writer until this year. It is a big learning curve and I feel exposed. I am learning things that others have known for a long time. Practicing skills that my own high schooler has mastered already.

It is difficult to share when you are in the transition of something.  Hard to be vulnerable when you are in the middle and you do not know how things will turn out.

What I do when things are getting messy:

Rhythms and routines help me make the most of the pieces of time that appear in my schedule. I have created a routine for when I write.

I have also learned that consistency matters. Showing up is important. Even in the mess and chaos of organizing ideas and words into something that makes sense.

Prayer and reading great books will fill me up so that I can share great ideas with others.

from Unsplash

My goal is to share hope-filled words full of practical ideas. No matter if it gets messy or if some posts need time to simmer. I am learning that the writing process is worth it. That the waiting can be a good thing.

So, for today, I will work on moving things forward. One inch at a time. I will lean into my routines that help me make space for meaningful words. I will show up.

A Prayer of Encouragement:

Lord Jesus,

Fill us with Your words. Give us Your wisdom to share with others. This life is messy and hard. There are so many things that weigh us down. We feel heavy with unrealistic expectations, decision fatigue, conflict in our homes, and the daylight that passes by so quickly. It is so difficult to share words of hope. Ground us on those days when the words swim around in the air. Give us comfort and show us how to be kind to ourselves. Help us with our Rhythms and Routines, show us how to show up, and give us clarity. Come Holy Spirit and guide us with Your Wisdom.


I am cheering for you!

💙📝Hugs! – April

Writing is layered and difficult. There are so many pieces to starting something new and making space for creativity.

Here are some articles to help:

You are ready to share your message, you have made space for writing… now what next?

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