restful productivity to live deliberately & avoid overwhelm 

Why is Sabbath Rest so HARD?

The other day we had a summer rainstorm that was just perfect. It was the kind of rain that starts at night time and gently falls all day. The clouds stayed long enough to actually drop the temperature to a reasonable 90 degrees and it was wonderful. Until 2:00pm there were cool breezes and a break from our 115 – 120+ temperatures. (Phoenix is rough in the late summer.)

It has not rained like that in our area in months. It was just what we needed.

So I canceled our plans for the day and we relaxed on the front porch with books, snacks, and cold sodas.

The kids were super excited. They were not bickering or complaining. We were just enjoying the weather, our books, and each other’s companionship.

We have not had a peaceful porch hang out in a while.

On the outside, I looked relaxed. I was sitting with my water bottle, reading a book I enjoy, and stopping to journal my thoughts.

But on the inside, I was a frazzled mess. There was a war within me to actually sit and enjoy the moment. This rare event that I longed for and had created with my precious kids. And I knew this moment would pass quickly.

But on the inside, instead of feeling settled, I was listing all the “should-s” and the “could-s“.

In my head, thoughts were bouncing around telling me “What do you think you are doing? You can’t sit still!”.

  • I noticed all the sticks and small branches in the front yard that need to be picked up.
  • The potted plant that really needs to be put in the front flower bed. I could do that real quick.
  • I felt the need to get up and go for a long walk, because you really should get exercise today…
  • The pile of papers in my office and the planning for our next trip I should do.
  • I should get up and play with the kids, what kind of mom am I if I just sit here reading?
  • The piles of stuff in the garage are still there and it is nice enough out to work in there without getting heat stroke. You could do that right now…

The happy resolution to that rainy morning is that I choose Rest. I journaled out all the “should-s” and the “could-s”, I brain-dumped a list of all the things I need to do, then took deep breaths, and I kept reading my book.

It used a significant amount of willpower and prayer. I let the Holy Spirit show me how to rest in Him. How to guide me closer to Jesus.

Not because I am lazy,

but because I am capable and strong.

  • Why do I let the critics in my head push me into Overachiever Mode?
  • Why do I work super hard to arrive at the finish line, but as soon as I cross it I keep running?
  • Why do I keep skipping rest?
  • Why is rest so hard?

How about you?

Do you ever work hard to get to a moment of relaxation and then once you get there you can’t relax? Have you ever planned a relaxing event and then worked your way through it? Have you ever been sitting still but internally you are buzzing a million miles an hour?

I do this more often than I would like to admit. It is actually a problem.

“I don’t need to make everybody happy… There is no quota. The only slave drivers are the ones in my head. My value doesn’t come from what I produce, and my joy and peace don’t rise and fall with my net worth…”

from Garden City by John Mark Comer

So, why is Sabbath rest so HARD? Why is it so difficult to slow down?

I think that everyone will answer that question differently. We each have unique struggles that keep us busy and moving quickly. There is no shame in the ways that we press forward. No need to point fingers and judge others for being productive.

I believe that we are called to bring order to chaos and get things done well.

But we do need to ask ourselves, when do we stop? When do we rest completely?

  • When you do slow down, what does that look like?
  • What would a perfect day of slow relaxation look like for you and your family?
  • How could you add that to your schedule this week?
  • When do you schedule rest? What does that look like when you get there?

I ask you questions because I do not have the answers. I am still on the journey of learning how to slow down, when to do so, and when to lean into productivity.

The goal of productivity should be achieving more by doing less. You won’t get there if you can’t get comfortable doing less.

Michael Hyatt in Free To Focus

My hope for you is that you will have your peaceful porch moment. For you to have that rare moment when you can take a break from all the things to sit and enjoy what is happening around you.

That you will find ways in your ordinary days to slow down and enjoy the afternoon. Sabbath rest takes work. It takes planning and preparation. But if we go to all the work to do those things then we also need to do the work of slowing down when we get there.

I would love to hear how you are doing this. How are you embracing slowing down? How are you feeling at home in yourself, in your soul?

Best wishes – April 💙

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