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Summer Reading – Tips & Ideas

Encouraging a love of reading this summer.

Welcome to the Summer Reading Series!

With our extra time this summer comes an opportunity to add in more reading. I am excited to help you think about some small things that you can do that will make a big difference.

Why is enjoying reading so important?

Humans are hard-wired for story. We are all finding stories to connect to and creating our own. Writing is the most essential form of sharing with others. Reading grows our capacity to understand other people.

Think back to your childhood.

Did you enjoy reading for fun?

What was a book that you read for enjoyment?

Was there a character who you identified with?

What were some movies that you enjoyed?

How did those stories shape your childhood?

Sharing stories connects us to the ideas of those who have learned things the hard way. They are lessons to be shared and pain experienced. I can travel to new places, see imagined landscapes, and experience a different culture from the first-person perspective.

Here are some articles for your pursuit of reading:

Article#1: How to Revive Your Love of Reading this Summer

Summer Reading for Moms


  • Isn’t reading old-fashioned?
  • Where I get stuck.
  • Questions for You
  • Let’s Talk about Audiobooks!
    • Ways to include Audiobooks into your week.
    • Questions for you
  • Encouragement for the Mom who wants more reading time.

(Here is the link to read more.)

Reading time will require training and patience.

Reading is a skill that must be practiced and learned.

For adults and kids alike. It does not come naturally to most people and will get better over time.

Article#2: Quick Ideas to Get Kids into Summer Reading

Encouraging our Kids to have a Love of Reading


  • Ideas to encourage kids to love reading.
    • Action to take to encourage reading
  • Questions for You
  • Let’s Talk about Audiobooks!
    • Ways to include Audiobooks into your week.
    • Questions for you
  • So you finally got the kids reading… Now What?
    • Questions to Spark Discussions About Books
  • Encouragement
  • Free Resource – Book List!

(Here is the link to read more.)

Each article is full of questions and ideas to get your Summer Reading going strong.

You can also use these tips to revive your reading life any time of year. You are not too late! You have not missed anything. Start now, start today.

  • How can you fit reading into your schedule? Pick one spot where reading could be.
    • If you decided that you will read on Saturday mornings for 1 hour that will be 4 hours a month and more than 50 hours in one year.
    • 15 minutes every weekday = 75 minutes in a week / 5 1/2 hours per month / about 65 hours per year
    • How many books could you read in that time frame?

Every small step matters and every small change makes a difference.
Sometimes we get stuck on why this is all so hard. Education works best when new ideas are present.  When there is discovery and exploration.  At each stage of parenting, we need to be growing and gathering new ways to do things. When we get stuck that is when we get unhealthy.  When we stop growing then patterns of the past take over.   

I want my kids to be raised by a mom who is “not done”.  I want my kids to see adults in their home who push themselves and do hard things. 

Real, vibrant life is found in ideas, discovery, and books.

Let’s push ourselves to join the conversation!

Reading time will require training and patience. Reading is a skill that must be practiced and learned. For adults and kids alike. It does not come naturally to most people and will get better over time.

The more time I spend reading the more I enjoy it.

Happy Reading! – April

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