restful productivity to live deliberately & avoid overwhelm 

15 Ways to Avoid Writing Work

I wouldn’t consider myself a procrastinator, but this list says otherwise…


my large kitchen wall
  1. Decide to redecorate my kitchen and living room. Sort through all boxes of random decor stashed in the garage where Christmas decorations belong. Donate most of the stuff that feels “too farmhousey”. Convince my kids to help with the project and then disregard their opinions. 😜 Use what I have and refuse to buy anything new until an afternoon shopping trip where I find a new wreath for the front door.
  2. Scroll on TikTok for recipes and then spend way too much time making lists of meals to make and new “in season produce” to cook with.
  3. Read Jane Eyre for the first time. Take copus notes, watch the movie, and feel undecided on the book. Discuss book with other readers in online book club and decide that it was okay. Have mixed feelings about Mr. Rochester but appreciate the way that Charlotte Brontë writes strong main female characters.
  4. Decide to start plant propigations and grow herbs in my kitchen window. Invest time into checking on roots, changing the water and checking on plants. Avoid dishes in sink or cleaning hard water stains. 🪴
  5. Create a Pinterest board for my book launch party including lots of photos that add to “the vibe” of the event… Then get intimidated and feel like I can’t pull this off… then get excited and make lots of lists. 🥳
  6. Meet with other writers comiserating on writing frustrations. Discuss difficulty focusing, lack of new ideas, and the overwhelming learning curve that is writing in today’s online world. Walk away feeling less lonely and good about not writing for the afternoon because community is important and much needed.
  7. Spend quiet morning moments with a cup of tea, the crowing of my roosters from the back yard, and Create Anyway by Ashlee Gadd. Re-reading this has been a balm to my tired momma heart and a reminder of how I value creativity. 🍵
  8. Have my journal sitting next to me at my desk or with me in my bag but never actually pick it up to write in it. Feel the constant humming in my brain of holding too much information and feel overwhelmed by all the things. Spend some time brain-dumping in my Bullet Journal and find some relief…. then finally sit down to do Morning Pages in my Journal. Ahhh… now I feel more like myself.
  9. Decide to re-work some homeschool planning. Spend all creative energy on curriculum, lists, and convincing students this is a good idea. Then spend extra time during school mornings using new materials and finding a new rhythm of teaching. Increase my caffeine intake to keep up. 🗒️
  10. Work on some projects in Canva and then look at them sideways and feel like they are crap. Abandon projects and leave in the digital desert to rot.
  11. Help my teen daughter start up her new Substack for creative writing. Spend time teaching her writing skills, Substack tools, and how to create online content. This becomes a big creative boost and is full of fun bonding moments. 😁
  12. Join a new book club and then skeptically read Fourth Wing. Decide that this new genre of romantic fantasy (or romantasy) is amazing and become fully invested in the whole Empyrean series. Read Iorn Flame and then begin the Onyx Storm special edition with fancy “spredges”. Spend significant amounts of time thinking about the books and rewriting scenes in my head. 🐉
  13. Consume Substack posts from amazing writers like they are a bowl of M&M’s hidden in my secret chocolate stash. Feel all the feels from the jaw-dropping and inspiring writing that other creators put out there regularly. How do they do it?
  14. Go to the neighbor’s garage sale and come home with new pieces of furniture and another globe for my collection. This then inspires some rearranging, cleaning, and furniture shuffling for the afternoon. 🛋️
  15. Clean out the chicken coop for some new chickens given to me by my brother-in-law. Also realize some other yardwork that needs to be done and require Kyle to help me. Get excited about eating fresh eggs again. 🐔
my new propigatoins and herbs, please ignore the dishes in the sink

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Reflection Questions:
What keeps you from your creative projects?
How does daily life get in the way of your long-term goals?

I would love to hear from you.

Which one resonated with you the most? Now that you have had a vulnerable peek into my last few weeks, what surprised you?

This post was inspired by this honest piece from Ashlee Gadd. Check it out!